Becoming part of Aliant+ unlocks opportunities and meaningful connections for law and accounting firms aspiring to broaden their global footprint. Our network provides you access to other firms with proven expertise in cross-border matters and our staff members personally guide you to your needed connection.
Through monthly networking events, members establish valuable friendships, share insights, and explore potential collaborations. Our monthly practice group meetings will put you in a room full of global colleagues dealing with the same practice areas or industries as you do.
Aliant+ offers its members exclusivity for their country, province, or state, as appropriate. We do not prohibit our member firms from being members of other networks and do not require exclusivity of referral relationships.
We are so confident that your firm will benefit from joining our alliance that if you are not satisfied with your membership after the first two years, we will fully refund your firm’s membership fees.
Interested firms are encouraged to contact us to discuss next steps.